
  • What in the message most stood out to you? What do you think God is telling you through this message?
  • Group activity: Take time to appreciate each person in your group. Share the qualities and character that you appreciate about each other.
  • “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9
  • Identity is defined as who we are from the core of our being. Defined as having state of being the same, having likeness or sameness. Who we are determines what we do.
  • We cannot anchor our identity on anything that is temporal- career, relationship, wealth, etc. Our identity should be anchored in someone greater, eternal and will never perish and will not change. God created us, made us exactly how He wants us to be.
  • In what areas of your life are you not letting Christ define your identity? What needs to change? What one step will you take this week to surrender this area to the lordship of Jesus?
  • Thank God for the identity that you have in Christ. Pray that you’ll always stay at the center of His will and that you’ll be able to carry out your purpose for His glory.
  • Pray that the gospel would continue to be preached and more disciples would be made through the church. Intercede for your family members and friends who have  not received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for opportunities to present the gospel to them, even this week.