The Tabernacle

  • What in the message most stood out to you? What do you think God is telling you through this message?
  • What are some of your faith goals for this year?
  • “In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name,” declares the Lord who does this.” Amos 9:11-12
  • The Tabernacle of God is over every believer who will make a place for his dwelling. But minor disappointments, frustrations, ailments, points of confusion come upon us. Clouds of depression and loneliness, if lingered would turn to despair without us even noticing it.  God is saying that the “Tabernacle is falling” and we need to fix it.
  • God desire to dwell with his people are spoken throughout scripture. When Jesus came, the Word became flesh and dwelt (rebuilt tabernacle) within us. The God who created all things comes and tents in our midst.
  • Our responsibility: The spiritual covering of the tabernacle needs to be maintained. As kings and priests we are given the responsibility to strengthen the stakes and tighten the ropes.
  • How can you keep the spiritual covering of the tabernacle? What can you do to strengthen the stakes of your relationship with God? your relationship with your fellow believers? Your relationship with non-believers?
  • Read Galatians 5:22-23. What fruit of the Spirit do you want to grow this year? In what practical ways can you start applying this in your daily life?
  • Thank God for 2018. Dedicate this year to Him- your heart, time, relationships, school/work, etc. Pray that you’ll face this year with new hopes, passion and fulfillment.
  • Pray that the gospel would continue to be preached and more disciples would be made through the church. Intercede for your family members and friends who have  not received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for opportunities to present the gospel to them, even this week.