Unshakables: Surrender

  • What in the message most stood out to you? What do you think God is telling you through this message?
  • Who was your closest friend growing up? What’s your best memory with him or her?
  • Give an example of something mischievous you did as a child that you thought you’d get away with but landed up getting caught.
  • Do you think the teachings of Christianity are too strict? Why or why not?
  • “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.”— Acts 2:36
  • Last month we saw that disobedience was the starting point for evil entering into the world. It only makes sense, then, that part of God restoring creation involves restoring our obedience. Obedience is an unpopular word, however, and hearing it makes us think of abusive tyrants and evil empires. And in any case, doesn’t God’s forgiveness and grace mean we don’t have to pay attention to all the Bible’s rules? The truth is, obedience to God is the only way to truly live.
  • But there are two incorrect approaches to obedience and one correct approach. These incorrect approaches are useless and dangerous. However, if we get the approach right, we will love God and live life to the full.
  • Error 1 — I’m saved, so I don’t need to obey. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”— Matthew 7:21d
      • Salvation isn’t some magic formula: this word + that word= salvation. In the same way that having a job in which you call your superior “boss” but don’t follow his or her instructions won’t last, we can’t use Jesus’ name as a get-out-of-hell-free card and then live however we want. That attitude is proof that our sinful actions—impurity, covetousness, sexual immorality—are more important to us than Jesus. This approach aims to deceive God, but he can’t be deceived. After all, he’s God.
      • Discussion Question: What are some sinful actions in your culture that people have a difficult time walking away from?
      • Error 2 — I obey in order to be saved. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” — Ephesians 2:8–9
      • This error is very subtle. It uses obedience as leverage against God. As if to say, “Because I obey you, God, I expect salvation and blessing.” Seeing salvation this way, however, has two equally bad results. It can make us arrogant, because we look down on people who don’t live up to our standards. Or it results in shame if we feel like we’ve fallen short of God’s standards. This is no way to live. On days when you’re keeping the standard, you’ll feel confident. But on days you fall short, you’ll be filled with shame and embarrassment. Two equally bad results.
      • Discussion Question: How have you seen the arrogance or shame caused by this error affect people?
      • The Gospel — I’m saved, so I obey. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” —Jesus, John 14:15
      • God isn’t a tyrant. He’s the Creator of a universe in which he wants his creatures to thrive. The commandments he gives us are for our good, but our sinful hearts deceive us into thinking he’s keeping some good from us (just like Adam and Eve thought). What can combat the deception of our sinful hearts? The truth that God loves us. When you see Jesus on the cross, dying to restore us to our Heavenly Father, your heart will love him. And true obedience flows out of a heart that has been captured by the love of Christ.
  • Which error listed above do you tend to fall into, and how can the Gospel change the way you view obedience?
  • Are there areas in your life in which you have become condescending towards others? Are there areas in which you experience too much shame? How has your thinking gone wrong in these areas?
  • Are there ways you are currently disobeying God? How can the love of Christ help you walk away from those sins?
  • Pray for a deeper revelation of Jesus’ love. Pray for more obedience to flow out of that revelation.
  • Pray that the gospel would continue to be preached and more disciples would be made through the church. Intercede for your family members and friends who have  not received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for opportunities to present the gospel to them, even this week.